The object of the Ranges Foundation is to provide support, relief, care and assistance to individuals and communities in the Kinglake Ranges who suffered directly or indirectly as a result of the Victorian Bushfires, now and into the future by:
developing a permanent endowment to assist the recovery and growth of communities across the Kinglake Ranges
assessing and responding to emerging and changing needs of Kinglake Ranges Communities
facilitating funding, delivery, construction and operation of local community infrastructure & facilities
providing and facilitating programs and services addressing specific areas of need in Kinglake Ranges communities
serving as a resource catalyst for charitable activities in Kinglake Ranges communities
facilitating the collection and distribution of resources and donations to be used for charitable activities in Kinglake Ranges Communities
creating new partnerships in the communities across the Kinglake Ranges
providing local leadership in the provision of support, relief and assistance to Kinglake Ranges communities
doing all other things which are necessary to expedient to further the objects of the foundation.
Current Board Members of the Ranges Foundation:
Chairman: Michael Nardella
Deputy Chairman: John Brown
Treasurer: Dina Pratt
Secretary: Jane O’Connor
Current Ranges Foundation AGM and Financial Reports are available here